Thursday, May 31, 2012

blog every day in june (or not quite)

because i am a weak person, i have given into peer pressure and will attempt, along with many of my fellow library colleagues, to Blog Every Day In June.  it is the end of the first day of june, and i am at work. today, i've printed off a lot of stickers, and put a lot of boxes onto shelves.  i am more likely to not talk about work here, unless one counts ranting about my final masters subject that i still stubbornly haven't finished. it is more likely again i will not blog every day in june. but i will try and do it at least a few times.  go team.

however, i do have a lot of current, up-to-date rants in me, including 'why i now find second-wave feminism to be vomit-inducing', 'why i think dr who is a metaphor for post-imperialism in britain', 'what i thought about the avengers', & 'why i hate that all the bipolar memoirs out there are written by Highly Successful People From Priviledged Sociology-economic Backgrounds'.  i am sure everyone will be biting nails in eager anticipation of whatever exceptionally fascinating insights and updates i may be sharing.  

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